What We Do

These five E’s describe our mission. You can learn even more, please read some testimonials here.

We have been able to provide the following Scholarships:

Seattle Pacific University –

Four year award given each year to the child of a missionary, currently or in the past, to a third world country. See website

St. Antony’s College of Arts & Science for Women –

Over 600 students come from rural villages, where their parents earn less than $2 US per day, but their tuition costs $200 US per student per year.


Contribute to Summit Seekers Scholarship Fund or the General Fund. 80% of humanity lives on under $2/day. A little goes a long way in developing countries. Here’s how you can help in a big way with just a little. (donate button and link go here)


(Click on the image to play a video presentation)

Pathway for Life enables universities to help students discover their identity, with their unique set of gifts, talents and experiences; along with their dreams and ambitions.
