Reflections on the Road – A Question of Life

June 1955, I stood knock kneed on stage, looking out at what seemed like thousands of people, as I spoke into the mike: “Why am I here?”
Hearing snickers, I continued: “No, not why am I here tonight. Why am I here on earth?”
Thanks to Mr. Haskins for inviting me to be one of three student speakers at East Whittier (California) Junior High Graduation, and for coaching me through the process. I don’t remember anything else about that night, but I remember that question Mr. Haskins suggested as the basis for my two minute graduation speech.
The irony is I didn’t think much more about it until 35 years later. After my son Ron died at age 26, I began seeking answers to questions of life. “Why did Ron die and why did he live?” I knew Ron had Cystic Fibrosis, but that didn’t really answer these questions. Even more, “Why do I live?” Then, I remembered the question in that speech when I was 14 years old: “Why am I here?” That haunting question began my journey to find meaning and purpose in my life.
Years later, I read “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl and discovered I was not alone in considering this very basic question of life “Why am I here?”
Summit Seekers was founded along the pathway to my life fulfillment. My wife, Gay, and I are committed to help others, on their own journey, answer many basic questions of life, including this one: “Why am I here?”
While working with a college in southern India, we facilitated teacher training. We also developed a 10 hour workshop, spread over a week, called “Pathway for Life”. It helped university students find their uniqueness and discover their destiny by answering such questions as “Who am I? Why am I here? What are my dreams? How will I achieve them?”
Looking back, reflecting on our own life experiences, it is clear that God prepared us in advance to do this work. It began in 1955 with that question and has continued the rest of my life. My experience in facilitating workshops began in 1974, as a special training assignment and further developed through multiple assignments in my career at Procter & Gamble. Gay began a public speaking and facilitation career in 1991 (Toronto, Canada).
Together, we enjoy using the talents and experiences God gave us to help others find their destiny and to share with them what he has done in our lives. This includes our own pathway to finding significance and meaning, fulfilling our dreams. As we share our story with His story, it connects us with their story. So, you might say the rest is History!